Think Global
Act Local |

Maximilian LeRoux is an economist & entrepreneur. Max is half German, half Finnish. Max is the Co-Founder and CEO of a start-up company based at Technopolis in Otaniemi, Espoo. With a strong focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, he leads efforts at the intersection of technology and sustainability, driving impactful solutions that create value both locally and globally. Max grew up in Germany and spent all his childhood summers in Finland. After university he moved to Finland in 2004. Max has a rich international background, is fluent in five languages and has extensive political and entrepreneurial experience, including serving on the Frankfurt City Council, running for the German Parliament and founding and growing hi-tech start-ups. Max is passionate about global thinking and local action.


Max has explored over 40 countries and speaks five languages fluently.

Max is an economist & entrepreneur.

Max gets things done!

Fun Fact #1

Max practices open-water swimming in the winter.

Fun Fact #2

Max is a big Eintracht Frankfurt fan.

Innovation, sustainability and security make a happy society.

A Global Vision for Finland

Championing international talent, entrepreneurship, and innovation to make Finland a highly competitive and a place where opportunities are created.

A Voice for the Ambitious

Supporting academics, entrepreneurs, and all people who dream big, work hard, and believe in the power of progress.

A Fresh Perspective with Optimism and Energy

Bringing positive change and an adventurous spirit to politics, inspiring hope and action in a rapidly evolving world. 

A sustainable economy

Building a sustainable economy in Espoo involves promoting environmentally responsible, socially inclusive and economically resilient economic growth. Promoting growth, creating jobs, increase exports and building a sustainable economy in Espoo and Finland:

Innovation & Development

  • Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.
    Expanding cooperation between Business Espoo, universities and start-ups.
  • Investing in high-speed internet and smart city technology to attract tech companies and remote workers.

Smart City Espoo

Implementing smart city projects to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste and improve the quality of life for residents.

  • Using data and technology to optimise public transport.
    Exploring the potential of self-driving cars in Espoo.
  • Improving indoor air quality in public buildings.
  • Improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

Freedom & Security 

  • Personal freedom and security are important values that contribute to a happy life. Keeping Espoo clean, safe and free enables all people to enjoy their lives here.

Developing a green industry

  • Supporting the development and deployment of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and bioenergy.

  • Encouraging local businesses and households to adopt renewable energy through subsidies and incentives.

Environmental sustainability

  • Developing a plan to prevent and reduce blue-green algae on Espoo’s beaches. Supporting initiatives, research and development that will help reduce over-fertilisation of agriculture while ensuring that agricultural yields and sustainability are maintained.

Max's self-built tree house for his children.
Laser sailboat practice at Espoon Pursiseura (EPS).
Friendship meeting between Colorado and Finland at the Knight's Hall.

Max is back in politics

Support and vote for Maximilian LeRoux.

  • Economist & Entrepreneur

    30 years of experience in politics, business and academia.

  • Global ideas – local actions

    Max has seen the world and taken away from each country an impression of the things he liked, so that he can link them to a better future in his home country.

  • Optimist

    The world is full of challenges, but we also have many more tools than ever before. Through innovation and technology, we can solve the world's biggest problems.

  • Deep thinker

    Max thinks deeply and broadly. For example, he has written a philosophical book on the connection between happiness and career.

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 at 6:00pm
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Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 at 7:00am
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Saturday, March 8th, 2025 at 7:33am
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Friday, March 7th, 2025 at 7:00pm
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Maximilian LeRoux
Maximilian LeRouxWednesday, March 12th, 2025 at 11:00am
Olen Aquatech-messuilla Amsterdamissa ja näen, miten teknologia ja innovaatio ratkaisevat maailman suurimmat haasteet – ilman loputtomia sääntöjä ja kielteisiä määräyksiä. Uskon, että logiikka ja tiede ovat parempi perusta päätöksille kuin ideologia, ja kun ympäristöä suojellaan fiksusti, se samalla käynnistää talouskasvua.

Ja kyllä, Vihreät - De Gröna – teillä on ehkä yhtä paljon paperityötä kuin meillä on innovaatioita! On aika irrottautua perinteisistä kaavoista ja antaa teknologian tehdä tehtävänsä.

#Innovaatio #Teknologia #Tiede #Logiikka #KestäväKehitys #Ympäristö #talouskasvu
#AquatechAmsterdam #aquatech #AquaTech2025 #innovations
Maximilian LeRoux
Maximilian LeRouxTuesday, March 11th, 2025 at 12:09am
Loogisuus ja järki – Tasapainoisen politiikan ääni
Heijastaen uskoani siihen, että hallituksen tehtävänä on tehdä vain se, mitä sen on tarkoitus – ilman liiallista puuttumista yksityiselämään – kannatan liberaaleja ja suvaitsevaisia arvoja. Näkemykseni perustuvat loogisuuteen ja järkeen, eivät jäykkiin ideologioihin, mikä mahdollistaa rakentavan vuoropuhelun eri näkökulmien välillä. Haluan keskustella ajankohtaisista teemoista, kuten sukupuolten moninaisuudesta, sähköisestä liikkuvuudesta ja maahanmuutosta.

Kaikki kysymykset ja vastaukset näihin teemoihin löydät Yle vaalikonen profiilistani:
#kuntavaalit #kuntavaalit2025 #espoo #aluevaalit #aluevaalit2025 #espoonkokoomus #kokoomus #liberaali
Maximilian LeRoux
Maximilian LeRouxSaturday, March 8th, 2025 at 11:00am
He elävät mukavasti keskitien laidalla, nauttien kaikista moderneista mukavuuksista – aurinkopaneelit katolla, fair trade -kahvi kädessä ja sähköauto pihassa. Samalla he kertovat muille, minkä pitäisi loppua, minkä pitäisi vähentyä, ja minkä pitäisi muuttua. Koska ilmaston pelastaminen on tärkeää… kunhan se ei häiritse omia mukavuuksia. 😉🌍✨

#espoo #helsinki #uusimaa #kokoomus #yrittäjyys #kunnalisvaalit2025

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Copyright Maximilian LeRoux 2024